I have actually been keeping a log of recent wine reviews, and will eventually get them all up here. Please check back later this week as I plan on posting many reviews on the site.
Reviewing wine is something I'm still shaky on. Is it possible to be "wrong" about a review? What if I hate a wine everyone else loves, or vice versa? Wine reviewers, please, send your input on this subject my way. And everyone else, please critique my reviews and let me know what I should elaborate on more (or less). I am counting on YOU, my readers, to get better at this whole review thing. See, ZinfanGirl is a nice girl at heart, and fears the day she has to write, "This wine is crap."

So here is today's review: 2005 Estancia Shiraz. A deep, purple-maroon is exactly the color I would expect from this wine. The dark fruit flavors are accentuated with an earthy taste; the wine gets its POW! in its strong back and tingly, lasting finish. Although this Shiraz is from California, every time I sip I can see why it is the wine associated with Aussies: it just begs to be served with a bold, robust meat dish such as lamb or ribs. Overall, it is a great wine to bring to a BBQ, and won't break the bank (BevMo has it on sale for $7.99, $5 off the regular price). But definitely serve it with a well-seasoned, slightly charred chunk of red meat-- this wine would drown out delicate flavors of fish or chicken, and I definitely would not classify it as a wine suitable for serving with dessert (maybe with a dark chocolate-- 80% cacao).
ZinfanHubby has just informed me that Estancia is a member of Constellation, and that we are entitled to tastings & discounts there through our other wine club memberships. Definitely something to keep in mind, as I've been wanting to check out the Central Coast wineries for quite some time now.
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